mercredi 2 juin 2010

Update on Makower's Sustainability Standard for Business

As we all know, Makower, writer of the GE book we used in class, has been working on developing a standard for business regarding sustainability. Yes, ONE standard, pretty hard task.

On March 28th, he published an article giving an update on this well-kept secret about the standard. The company-level guidelines touch on environmental as well as social and corporate-government issues that could potentially be used by firms as well as government entities and agencies.

After getting some funds from organizations like in 2003, the project had to be temporarily given up for a few years before taken on again in 2008. To make it simple to understand, Makower liked to describe is at "LEED for companies" (LEED originally has been created for buildings).

Makower only says so much: " The first draft of the standard has now been completed and is beginning a robust process of stakeholder feedback. The plan is to have a final version ready for the marketplace later this year." He also said it will be looking at the entire supply chain as a way to compare companies in their effort to be more sustainable.

The difference with the many standards that are already out there is that this is one of the few programs focusing on company-level. Also, it is accredited by third party evaluations and includes management peformance next to environmental and social issues for mainstream companies and not just small firms.

Since more will be published towards the end of the year, this is definitely an interesting idea to be kept an eye on.

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