lundi 3 mai 2010

Meet me halfway!

Since it is now halfway through the quarter, it is time to evaluate how I have been doing with my goals.

As far as walking to and from class goes, I guess I did not do that bad. Although I reviewed my initial goal after a couple of weeks, deciding to walk home from class only. I have been doing it most of the time, even though I was too lazy a couple of times and still took the bus home. I guess this is still better than if I would drive a car every day. There is still room for improvement, and I am sure it would help if spring could finally be here!

I did only purchase fresh food, no cans, no frozen food, no imported goods. Farmer’s Market being open again, it offered a great opportunity to buy local. Plus, de taste of fresh food is unbeatable! I also kept buying organic food as much as I can, and as much as my wallet can!

I also did a pretty good job at unplugging my devices and also switching off everything I can at night. However, my roommates do not really cooperate yet, there is a light on somewhere all the time at my place. But I will keep bugging them until I get so annoying that they will switch lights off just to escape me!

Finally, I thought of a fifth goal I will add to my list. I will stop using the dryer for my clothes, and simply have them dry with air. It will certainly take more time, but the result will be the same!

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